La tableta EM-I86H de Emdoor está acelerando las operaciones del almacén

La tableta EM-I86H de Emdoor está acelerando las operaciones del almacén

Antecedentes del cliente:

El cliente es una empresa integral que integra I + D, producción, procesamiento y ventas en Henan, China. Desde su creación, se ha comprometido a desarrollar nuevos materiales ignífugos respetuosos con el medio ambiente, aditivos de caucho, rellenos de caucho y nuevos materiales.


In the past, the client has always relied on worker memory and paper records for warehouse management. However, data confusion caused by human error and management inconvenience caused by the loss of paper documents has lowered the overall operational efficiency of the warehouse. To establish efficient warehouse management and improve order processing capabilities, the customer intends to adopt a complete WMS system coordinated with computer equipment to automate the warehouse operating process. Still, the warehouse's poor use environment makes it difficult for the customer to choose suitable equipment.


With the seamless collaboration between Emdoor's rugged tablet EM-I86H and the WMS system, customer enterprises can automatically collect information on incoming and outgoing goods, eliminating manual input errors and accelerating the warehouse's efficient and lean operation. And tablet with barcode scanner can upload real-time data wirelessly to ensure that all data-related warehouse management details are quickly and accurately organized, avoiding repetitive and unnecessary work.


Computer equipment operating in warehouses is subject to drops, dust, vibration, and high and low temperatures. Rugged tablet with barcode scanner like the Emdoor EM-I86H, which passed MIL-STD-810G, and IP65 tests, can fully handle any issues that may arise in a factory environment and provide workers with reliability for everyday use. Even with many obstacles in the warehouse, the EM-I86H's powerful wireless connection still enables real-time communication speeds with the WMS software, which is critical to improving the operation of the entire warehouse process.



Under the pressure of increasingly fierce market competition, the customer company realizes it is imminent to establish a centralized information management system to fully grasp the data in all aspects of daily warehouse operations and accelerate process automation from goods inbound to outbound. But for many years, the only way for the client company to enter critical data information was through manual recording and circulation of paper documents. This cumbersome and error-prone process reduces the ability to coordinate inventory, process orders, and deliver a highly responsive customer service experience. Thus, the client determined to deploy a warehouse management system (WMS) and computer equipment to the warehouse.

When considering equipment, the customer first thinks of ordinary consumer computers with familiarity. But unfortunately, consumer computers aren't durable enough to withstand the harsh industrial environments —long-term computing tasks under conditions whose unsuitability may cause maintenance costs to increase over time. 

Only a rugged tablet with excellent durability, shock resistance, wireless communication capabilities, and long battery life is the best choice to assist warehouse personnel in running their business efficiently.


After several rigorous tests on multiple ruggedized mobile computing devices in a warehouse environment, Emdoor's EM-I86H rugged tablet was finally proven to be the most suitable PC for customer operations management systems. It provides workers in expansive warehouse spaces with secure, continuous system access to reduce lag time for data collection and distribution without sacrificing computing power or application loading speed.

Since 52 rugged tablets EM-I86H were installed in the crane operation room of the customer's factory through the vehicle-mounted bracket to run the alumina storage scheduling operation with the WMS management system, the order processing speed of the customer's factory has also increased by 30%. Now the warehouse staff of the customer's factory can receive the latest alumina scheduling instructions online from the business & production side and upload timely data to management for review only using the EM-I86H tablet. 

The systematic, digital way of working reduces the costly loss of delayed data reporting and data entry errors in the past, allowing order operators to receive orders, process goods, record data, and quickly complete orders efficiently possible. At the same time, it also allows the warehouse department to grasp the order situation in time and make reasonable resource allocations.


Recuperar cualquier orden de producción sin restricciones

Los operadores de la planta del cliente pueden ingresar los datos del flujo de trabajo del almacén o recuperar cualquier pedido de producción sin restricciones, y la administración del almacén puede realizar un seguimiento de los niveles de inventario actuales, todo gracias a la tableta EM-I86H robusta.

Transmisión de datos precisa y en tiempo real

La tableta EM-I86H proporciona a los operadores de almacén una función de conexión estable en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar a través de una red de comunicación inalámbrica WIFI. Permite a los operadores acceder al sistema WMS de forma instantánea y remota actualizar el estado del pedido y toda la información de datos de la gestión del almacén. Utiliza el intercambio electrónico de datos para reemplazar el antiguo proceso estándar de listas de selección escritas a mano y formularios de actualización de inventario para reducir la posibilidad de errores humanos con alta transparencia.

Cumplimiento eficiente de pedidos

Con el resistente EM-I86H de las tabletas, la colocación de pedidos y la gestión del almacén ya no son tan engorrosos como solían ser. Los departamentos de producción y comerciales pueden generar la demanda entrante y saliente directamente y transmitir órdenes al departamento de operación. También pueden obtener rápidamente el último informe sobre el nivel de inventario y el progreso de las ventas a través del sistema. El proceso simplificado por la tableta EM-I86H garantiza que la empresa del cliente pueda cumplir con los pedidos de los clientes a tiempo.

Reducción del tiempo de inactividad

La tableta EM-I86H resistente está certificada por caída de MIL-STD-810G y vibración, e IP65 probado, lo que significa que puede sobrevivir a caídas de hasta 1,22 metros, temblores frecuentes, polvo y agua. Su robustez reduce el tiempo dedicado al mantenimiento rutinario del equipo, lo que permite a los empleados concentrarse en la tarea.

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Emdoor Group, Mei Gu Building, Mei Sheng Hui Gu Technology Park, No.83, Dabao Road,Baoan 33 District, Shenzhen, China
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